Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Teachers

Talimi Haq School (established in 1998) is a grassroots experiment, towards building youth leadership for all-round community development, in Priya Manna Basti, a century-old jute workers' settlement in Shibpur, Howrah (India).

Among the thinkers, teachers, writers, scholars, activists and initiatives we have been inspired by are:

Leo Tolstoy

Rabindranath Tagore

MK Gandhi

Paulo Friere

Shinichi Suzuki

J Krishnamurti

Sylvia Ashton-Warner

John Holt

Jonathan Kozol

Howard Gardner

Abecedarian Project

HighScope Perry Preschool Program

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Essential viewing

Everyone concerned about children and their raising and education must watch this three-part doumentary on the human brain.

Accessible here.

Born Genius

Make me a Genius

Accidental Genius