Sunday, November 05, 2006


by Akbar

This game is played in a play field. We form two teams of about six persons each. A dividing line is made on the ground and two boxes or houses are made on each side of the line, which is a common border.

Each team takes up one house. The play then begins. One person from one of the teams enters the other team’s house and his job is to touch as many of the other team members without himself being caught by them. And all the while he is to keep muttering “kabbadi, kabbadi, kabbadi…” without any pause.

If he manages to touch any of the other team’s members and return to his house and team mates without being caught, those touched are out. On the other hand if he is caught by members of the other team, then he is out. If he loses his breath and stops saying “kabaddi …”, he’s out.

Now the other team has to send one of their members to do likewise, and the play continues in this fashion. At the end of the play, the team with the most number of mates still in wins.

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