Monday, November 06, 2006

An unforgettable incident

by Akbar Ali

There was a straw basket hanging on the wall in my house. As my eyes roamed the wall I noticed a snake sitting in the basket on the wall. Then I saw a rat going into the basket. I hurriedly shouted to my brother. My brother got up and grabbed the basket and the rat fell out. As the basket was removed we saw the snake coiled around a large nail dug into the wall. My brother jerked back. There was also a hole above, in the wall, and the snake hurriedly slithered into it. As the news spread many people gathered in my house to see the snake. Some suggested killing the snake by crushing it in the hole itself with the help of some heavy tool. Some suggested that it was here to drink milk. My father did not listen to anyone. He got some cement, mixed it with some sand and plastered the hole.

I can never forget that day.

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